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Generally speaking : the impact of general education on student learning in the 21st century
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1975501241 9781975501242 1975501225 9781975501228 1975501233 9781975501235 9781975501228 9781975501235 Year: 2019 Publisher: Gorham, Maine : Myers Education Press,

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Organising a School's Response
Authors: ---
Year: 1988 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Professione insegnante : Idee e modelli di formazione
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Milan, Italy : FrancoAngeli,

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Nowadays, what's the idea of ​​professionalism for the teacher? And how is it possible to promote the professional development of teachers in the changing school? This volume offers a significant cross-section with the contributions of those scholars who have dealt with the "professional development" object, by looking at it from various theoretical perspectives.

Michel de Certeau e as pesquisas nos/dos/com os cotidianos em educação
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : SciELO Books - EDUERJ,

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"Michel de Certeau foi um intelectual atento às práticas cotidianas que forjaram redes de ‘fazeressaberes’, relações de poder, transformações culturais, crises institucionais e tensões sociais conformando os ‘espaçostempos’ em que viveu. Transitou por caminhos já percorridos pelo pensamento e pelos pensadores, com eles conversando criticamente, abriu trilhas para explorar novas sensibilidades e atravessou fronteiras entre campos do conhecimento, lugares e épocas, produzindo diferença com sua trajetória acadêmica e política. Sua contribuição ao campo da Educação é inestimável e se substancializa em uma empreitada teórica para criar uma epistemologia das práticas cotidianas, as quais estão, segundo ele, no cerne da constituição dos diferentes domínios social, entre eles o educativo. O que Certeau nos propõe é pensar “outramente” a questão da diferença nos cotidianos. Para isso, precisamos nas Pesquisas nos/dos/com os cotidianos em Educação de posturas epistemológicas, teóricas e metodológicas que nos possibilitem, além de indicar os mecanismos de homogeneização e controle exercidos por um poder centralizador e determinista, enxergar os usos que os ‘praticantespensantes’ dos cotidianos fazem deles e os desvios que esses usos produzem. Torna-se relevante compreender os cotidianos como campos de luta, nos quais o poder está sempre sendo contestado e disputado. Precisamos, ainda, indicar a multiplicidade de modos de existência e de ‘conhecimentossignificações’ que com essas operações de usuários se engendram criando cultura e produzindo sentidos."

In azione
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Milan : FrancoAngeli,

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Conceived on the occasion of the first edition of "Unimc for Inclusion", an initiative promoted by the University of Macerata, the volume intends to propose, in a single collective work, theoretical coordinates and operational trajectories applicable in plural contexts, including training whether they are educational, aggregated or residential. The paradigm of inclusion is therefore investigated on the basis of its declinations, as well as multiple perspectives of research, through a variety of thematic insights. Implementation challenges, laboratory proposals and design hypotheses that come to life in the text, offering the reader practical ideas for reflection and experimentation with an inclusive character. For these reasons, this book is particularly recommended to pedagogues, teachers and educators, both in training and in service, because in their profession they are constantly called upon to engage in "inclusion tests".

Klar framgang!
Year: 2017 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget),

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Denne boken handler om leseferdighetene til elever i 10-årsalderen. I Norge er elevene da på 4. og 5. klassetrinn, og det forventes at de i stadig større grad skal bruke lesing for å lære fag. Hvordan står det til med barnas leseferdigheter?Gjennom leseundersøkelsen PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) blir vi kjent med 10-åringenes lesing. I tillegg til å kartlegge hvor godt barna leser, gir PIRLS også viktig informasjon om forhold som påvirker utvikling av leseferdigheter. Hvilken betydning har alder ved skolestart, klassestørrelse, lærerens kompetanse og rektors holdninger? Hvilke forskjeller er det mellom lesekompetansen til gutter og jenter, og hvordan følger skolen opp dem som strever? Og hva skjer når elevene leser digitalt?Siden PIRLS har blitt gjennomført hvert femte år siden 2001, kan vi også studere utviklingen i leseferdigheter over tid. I denne boken presenteres resultatene fra PIRLS 2016. Oppmerksomheten er særlig rettet mot norske forhold. Fordi PIRLS gjennomføres i over 50 land, kan vi også gi et detaljert bilde av hvordan norske elever klarer seg sammenlignet med elever internasjonalt. Bokens redaktør er Egil Gabrielsen, prosjektleder for PIRLS 2016 i Norge. Øvrige bidragsytere er Ingeborg Margrete Berge, Njål Foldnes, Unni Fuglestad, Aslaug Fodstad Gourvennec, Lise Helgevold, Toril Frafjord Hoem, Johanne Hovig, Kjersti Lundetræ, Margunn Mossige, Katrin Schulz-Heidorf, Knut Schwippert, Oddny Judith Solheim, Olaug Strand, Hildegunn Støle og Åse Kari Hansen Wagner. Alle er tilknyttet Nasjonalt senter for leseopplæring og leseforskning ved Universitetet i Stavanger.

Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT : A Guide to the ITT NC
Authors: ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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This practical guide to using ICT in the primary classroom addresses all the concerns of student teachers and provides plenty of ideas and advice on how to incorporate ICT into classroom practice on a daily basis. The authors bring together theory and practice to help prospective and new teachers acquire and develop the skills required for using ICT effectively. Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT is split into three sections which will: help assess the readers' ICT skills, knowledge and understanding discuss ways of incorporating ICT for teaching across the primary curriculum help the reader to think about ICT and their own professional learning and development. This book will be an invaluable resource for all student teachers on primary training courses, lecturers and mentors supporting trainees on these courses and newly qualified teachers (NQTs).

Professional Competence And Higher Education : The ASSET Programme
Authors: ---
Year: 1996 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Education Systems Around the World
Year: 2020 Publisher: London, United Kingdom : IntechOpen,

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This book, "Education Systems Around the World", is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters that offer a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of social sciences and humanities. The book comprises single chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the field of social studies and humanities. All chapters are unique but are united under a common research study topic. This publication aims to provide a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors on social studies and humanities, and open new possible research paths for further novel developments.

Lifelong Learning Policies for Young Adults in Europe
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Policy Press,

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"Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This comprehensive collection discusses topical issues essential to both scholarship and policy making in the realm of lifelong learning (LLL) policies and how far they succeed in supporting young people across their life courses, rather than one-sidedly fostering human capital for the economy. Examining specific yet diverse regional and local contexts across Europe, this book uses original research to evaluate differences in scope, approach, orientation, and objectives. It examines the embedding of LLL policies into the regional economy, the labour market, education and training systems and the individual life projects of young people, with a focus on those in situations of near social exclusion."

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